Project Three: Wire Paper Form

Project Three: Wire Paper Form

Construct a form made out of wire and paper mache. This form
must be at least 2.5 feet in any one direction and have some
reference and reaction to the body. It must also be displayed
appropriately somewhere in the art building.

To begin this assignment you will take photos (about 10), print them out
then do drawings of the piece you want to create in relationship to these drawings.
You are all required to have at least ten drawings with Xeroxed or
printed images of yourselves for the drawing assignment.
There are several cameras you can sign out.

This assignment functions as an introduction to the elements and
principles of design or form in three-dimensional space, as well as
beginning step towards conceptual development.

Camera, photo prints.
Bale wire, chicken wire, newspaper, papermache and needlenose
plyers. Paper plates. These pieces will not be painted.

I will hand out some readings that will help you understand the proper way to display your items.


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